The Hearing Test
The hearing-test is the base for a hearing-aid adaption. By the tone audiometry we detect the frequencies which are afected.
The speech test will determine your speech understanding in percentage
The consultation
the consultation is always individual and is done according your needs and requirements.
Basis for that is your hearing test. By the hearing-test we´ve determind if all types of devices are suitable.
But also important are anatomic circumstances: Did you have any operations? Is the eardrum intact? Do have chronic imflamation in the ear channel?
We´ll also talk about you cosmetic desires: Should the devices be almost invisible? which form? which color?
Would you like to connect your hearing-aids with smartphones or tablet-device in order to transmit calls or music directly to both devices in the ear?
In due consideration of your budget we´ll make recommendations with which devices to start.
The Adaption
Hearing-aids have a wide range of settings and the programming is done by computer.
We prefer a soft adaption e.g. beginning with of soft acclimatisation – phase.
The testing at home
In the first trial you get to know the features of your devices, conveniently in your accustomed environment at home.
The devices are set in a soft adaption in order to be comfortable first.
You´ll notice some improvements, while having here and there some difficulties.
Ont he second appoinment we´ll talk success or failures and try to improve upon. Ideally we´ll already turn the devices louder.
We´ll make improvements based on your experiences.
This process may repeat itself a couple of times.
During the test you are free to try out different devices until we have found one that suit you best.
Shoud we be not able to find you any device you may stop the test at any time free of charge.
The Service
During the life span of your devices they may be subject to adjustment ( louder or turn them down a bit ).
Adjustment of settings are always free of charge for our customers. You are free to consult us how often you wish.
Recommended are every 3 months, minimum once a year.
During these appointments we´ll test your devices, clean them or change expendable parts.

Nicole Paulini
Proakustik Denia